I have known Will since he was 8 years old. His sister, Joy, has been one of my best friends for 10 years now and their Mom, Beverly, had a hand in raising me for about a month! So, when they told me it was time for his senior photos, I must say, I felt a little bit old! ha ha! We had a blast driving around Fort Pierce trying to find the most grungy spots around (even if it meant climbing up rocks and realizing we probably shouldn't be there)!! Will plays bass in a jazz band and I wanted to incorporate his music and his self proclaimed "non-fashion style" into his photos and I love the way the camera captured him! Thanks Will for being such a great model. I really had a lot of fun and I am very priveleged to have been able to take these photos for you!
Thank you for capturing so much of what he is as an individual.
I loved the pictures that night and thought they were amazing.
We can't thank you enough for all you did.
Love you,
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