Saturday, August 28, 2010

Patton Family

Meet the Patton Family. This family came to Sunny Vero Beach for vacation and called on me to shoot their family portraits on the beach. This is a very sweet family and the kids were so cute and fun... and FAST! I felt a connection with this family right away when Tricia told me that her brother and sister in law lost their daughter in March to SIDS. My heart broke for them. I told her I could relate because March is when my sister lost my nephew Aiden and we went through the same type of experience as them at the same time. The family wanted to incorporate McKinley into the portraits. It was a very emotional photo shoot for the family and me. It was very hard to not shed a few tears here and there for them. I could feel their pain the entire time. All I can say is that they are so lucky to have each other for strength and comfort. They are an amazing family and McKinley's beautiful spirit was there the whole time!


© A Misty Moment Photography
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